Greater Birmingham Soccer Officials Association


Unplayable Field Protocol

When the field has become unplayable, thus risking the players’ safety, suspend the match and contact the GBSOA assignor to inform him of the situation. As the head referee, you have the power to terminate the match because the field conditions are poor. Furthermore, the NFHS clearly states that:

In the event that a game must be suspended because of conditions which make it impossible to continue play, the head referee shall declare it an official game if one complete half or more of the game has been played. If less than one-half of the game has been played, the game may be rescheduled from the start, or restarted from the suspension of play accordingly to the state association adoption. (7.1.3)

Who is in charge of field conditions?

Up until the start of the game, the NFHS states “the host institution or game management is responsible to judge weather or not the field condition, the elements and other conditions affect the safety of the field of play allow for a safe game to begin. Once the game begins, and until it ends, the determination of whether or not a game may be safely continued shall be made by the referee.” (1.7)

In short, before the match, it’s the host responsibility and during the match, it will be the head or center referee’s responsibly.

What if the stadium lights are not working correctly or turn off?

  • Before the match: The issue shall be resolved by the site administrator with the assistance of the referee crew.
  • During the match: The game should be suspended until the lights can be fixed. If the issue cannot be resolved within reasonable amount of time, the game should be terminated. Use your best judgement here.

On either of these occasions, keep the assignor informed of the updates in your game.

What’s reasonable time to terminate the game?

With stadium lights and other things that make fields unplayable. It can take time to fix the situation while people are watching and especially if it’s cold. So you may ask, what is reasonable time to terminate the game?

  • 7-0 game with 14 minutes left and it’s been 20 minutes? Probably time to terminate the game.
  • 1-2 with 26 minutes left and it’s been 35 minutes? Try to give more leeway.

What if the field is unplayable when I arrive at the pitch?

Find the athletic director, and if not able to be found, the vice-principle or someone with host responsibilities. Once located, have them determine whether or not the field is playable.

  • If site administrator says it is playable: Perform the pregame meetings and start the match. If the situation of an unplayable field still exists during the match, since it now your responsibility, you should terminate the match as allowed in the NFHS rules book.
  • If site administrator says it is unplayable: Contact the assignor and let them know of the decision made by the site administrator (usually the athletic director). Once assignor is informed, you may drive home.

What if the first game of a double-header is terminated because of poor field conditions?

Since you were the referee for the first match, you probably won’t be the center referee for the second so the center referee must make that decision. That being said, since the 2nd game will have a new set of players, the referee crew must stay to inform the coaches and players of the field conditions since the game is over and now the decision is back to the site administrator.

After the termination of the first game, find the site administrator near the start of the 2nd game and have them verify whether the field is playable or not and follow the same procedure.

(TO DO – Add more notes here and get feedback.)

  • If site administrator says it is playable: Perform the pregame meetings and start the match. If the situation of an unplayable field still exists during the match, since it now your responsibility, you should terminate the match as allowed in the NFHS rules book.
  • If site administrator says it is unplayable: Contact the assignor and let them know of the decision made by the site administrator (usually the athletic director). Once assignor is informed, you may drive home.